JT's Photo Album

JT's Photos


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Hello, and welcome to my page. My name is John Steven Pomeroy III (JT for short) and I am 1 day old in this picture! I was born on August 23, 2000 at 9:15 p.m. I hope you enjoy my page. There are many places to visit.  First, there are a whole bunch of pictures of me. Then, you can view my milestones below and see what I'm up to. There is also a page with my favorite sites for babies, kids, mommies and daddies.  Have fun!

We'd love to hear from everyone that has visited us, so please, send an email.

© 2000 Grandpa John

Here is a look at my progress.


Birth  I was born August 23, 2000 at 9:15 PM


Vital Stats I weighed in at a whopping 11 lbs 5 oz's. I was 22 inches long


Homeward bound I got to come home with Mom and Dad August 26 at 12:00 PM


Sleep Habits I'm sleeping until 2:00 AM meal/clean diaper and sleeping 'til 6:00AM


First Check-up 9/1/00 11 lbs 9oz 22.5 inches. I love to eat!


Good Looks Mom says, "After seeing JP's baby picture, we all confirm that JT has his father's devilish good looks!"


First Cold 9/2/00 What's wrong with my nose, I can't breath and I can't sleep (but I still eat!)


Belly Button 9/7/00 My cord fell off today. I have a belly button!


Two month check-up today  He weighed in at 16 lbs 5.5 ozs and measured  24 ¾ in.  He got his first round of puppy shots and handled them like a champ. Doctor gave him a clean bill of health and will see him again in two months


I Sleep ALL night10/20/00  I found my right thumb (no more pappy).  I play hard and with a smile!  If you can get me to talk, I will sweet talk you with the “oo” sounds but if I get tired of you I'll make “aa” sounds .  I am soooooo cute!!


Road trip to Fort Jones for my first Thanksgiving  11/23/00 I had a ball with Mom, Dad, my Grandparents and Auntie's JL and Joy! I showed them my new smile, my new frown and my lower lip. But I'm most proud of my two new bottom teeth!


Dunroven Ranch in New Honda Odessey 12/21/00 Mom and Dad take me to Grandma John's and Grandma Diane's for my very first Christmas! I got to see aunt JL, Joy and my first look at aunt Jill and uncle Rich too! I had so much fun! Check out my pictures!


Dr. Penn 1/26/01 My Pediatrician says I'm in the 95th percentile in height and weight! I tip the scales at 20 lb 10 oz today!


Papa and Nana I got to spend the weekend at Nana and Papa's Ranch. I had lots of fun playing and going to the river with Papa, Joy and Chad


Dr.Penn 08/23/02 My two year old check up! I'm 32 inches and weigh 32 pounds! The shots wern't any way to treat a kid on his birthday.


Comments from Grandpa John

I had no idea that a grandchild was capable of bringing such feeling of emotion and joy. While I remember, with great fondness, the birth of each of our children, I don’t recall anything of this magnitude. Perhaps it’s in knowing that I now really know what I missed. Perhaps it’s in knowing that this is a second chance at the experience. Or, maybe it’s just a greater awareness of the greatness of the miracle. In any case, I do feel a profound sense of pride and joy, some of which may be in knowing that my name goes forward (not just the sir name but the whole name!). And of course, let’s not forget John and Lansida!

Babies do bring families closer together too. As we wait in anticipation of the miracle event, we are given the opportunity to better know our in-laws. The stress of the wedding is now only a distant memory. The joy of this moment transcends all time. We now have a common interest; A common love; A common joy. Thanks to JT we are given an opportunity to develop new friendships and to see how our new friends share their love, pain, affection and joy.

Thank you Baby John! (and John and Lansida too!)