Goat Songs

Papa sang and played
a couple of goat songs

Papa's Goat Song

I had a goat his name was Jim
I bought him for his precious skin

That goat got lose about half past ten
And ate a red shirt right off my line

I grabbed that goat by the wool of his back
and tied him to the railroad track.

He buck and bawled with might and main.
As around the curve came a passenger train .

He gave a cough of mortal pain,
Up came that shirt and flagged the train!

I remember singing Bill Grogan's Goat in Mr. Armstrong 4th grade class. He was my favorite teacher. One of the many reasons was we sang a lot in his class. Part of the fun of singing was sharing with my dad, because he knew most of the songs. Bill Grogan's Goat was different than Papa's goat song.
So I learned them both.~ Peggy

Bill Grogan's Goat

Bill Grogan's goat was feeling fine
Ate three red shirts right off the line

Bill grabbed a stick gave him a whack,
And tied him to the railroad track.

He bucked and bawled with might and main.
As around the curve came a passenger train.

The whistle blew the train was near
Bill Grogan's goat was doomed to die!

He gave a three groans of awful pain,
Coughed up those shirts and flagged the train!

KIDiddles' song Lyrics - Bill Grogan's Goat

Other Bill Grogan’s Goat versions

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Created with love for my family as a remembrance

Peggy Whipple