Johnny Rebeck

The way Papa sang it

Images from clipartconnection
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There was a little Dutchman,
His name was Johnny Rebeck.
He specialized in sausages and sauerkraut and such.
He made the finest sausages you ever did see,
One day he invented a wonderful sausage machine.

Oh, Johnny Rebeck, How could you be so mean?
I told you you'd be sorry, For inventing that machine.
Now all the neighbors' cats and dogs will never more be seen,
They've all been ground to sausages in Johnny Rebeck's machine.

One day the darn thing busted, The darn thing wouldn't go
So Johnny Rebeck climbed inside to see what made it so.
His wife she had a nightmare. She walked in her sleep.
She gave the crank a heck of a yank
And Johnny Rebeck was meat.

Johnny Rebeck is a song I have never heard any of my friends sing. I thought maybe Dad had made it up, but it came from Uncle Buck.
~ Peggy

Other Versions here:

  • This site states that Johnny Franklin Rebeck invented a famous sausage Machine. Maybe seeing is believing!
  • Did you know there is a racing horse named Old Mr. Johnny Rebeck? He won Reserve Champion - Look under Baby Green/ Maiden Hunter.

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Created with love for my family as a remembrance

Peggy Whipple