Scott Valley
Genealogical Group


SVGG is now in the process of organizing a Genealogy Share Time in connection with promoting usage of the Friends of the Etna Library Meeting Room. This will be a time we can use to pass on valuable Genealogy News, Web Sites, Tips and what is new and interesting in the Genealogy world.

We will have some learning lessons, but not really in a class room style.
This is open to anyone interested in Family History or Family Researching.

The meetings will be usually on Mondays at the Friends of the Etna Public Library Meeting Room.

We hope this will not only help the researchers here in Scott Valley but also other Genealogist from other places

Next Meeting is Scheduled for Monday, Dec 17th
In the afternoon 1-3

WORKSHOP is planned
Bring your laptop, Bring a project you are working on.
As you work questions can be asked and hopefully answered.
Software, research or just "How do?" We did this last month and it worked out well.
Come winter we can do more.

Here is a link to some notes on the July 9th Meeting

Here is a link to some notes on the June 25th Meeting

Here is a link to some notes on the May 21st Meeting

Here is a link to some notes on the Apr 30th Meeting.

Do CALL if you have any questions - 467-3714 or E-mail Peggy

List that the Group would like to address

  • Choosing a Genealogy Software
  • What are GEDCOM files?
  • Using the internet for research
  • Books made from Genealogy Soft ware
  • What Next?

  • Genealogy Basics
  • Doing your "CASE HISTORY"
  • Researching U.S. Census
  • How to make a time line come alive.
  • How to cite Resources
  • Writing up our memories

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webmaster Peggy Whipple