waxing poetic down the river

Poems by

Sue Terence
Will Harling
Elsa Marley
John Salter
Geba Greenberg

Tesilya Raven
Erica Terence

Chick N. Little
Bird McCullough


Sue Terence


When one is gone from the river for awhile the blackberries hold wild all-night parties your garden, multiplying with gleeful abandon.

Upon our return this summer, I walked through our jungle of a garden thinking of my neighbor Aunt Vi Super, who spent an hour or two every day all winter keeping blackberries at bay. I grabbed my gloves and loppers and headed for the first errant blackberry shoot that caught my eye.

The mountains instantly enveloped me, the cool morning air crept into me,  the smell of the plants and sound of the river reverberated in me. I was home   7/26/02



Computer Haiku

You step in the stream,

But the water has moved on.

This page is not here.


                                                                                      Brad Sanford

  Morning light on razor sharp

   alps made the peaks a

   soft rose quartz

  piercing  cool cloud covers.

   Elsa Marley
   Florence, Italy


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