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2824 S Hwy 3
Etna, California 96027


Email: info@kkbarranch.com











e of hormones, steroids and feed antibiotics.
KK Ranch is family owned and places the customer’s needs at the top of the
list, whether they are buying replacement heifers, bulls or beef. Our cattle are raised on pasture without the use of hormones, steroids and feed antibiotics.

Herferd Cow

Two cows


We raise registered Angus and Hereford cattle as well a few Angus X Hereford crossbreds.


Our genetics favor flavor and tenderness and all product is dry aged for a minimum of 21 days before cutting and wrapping.


Humane treatment is a top priority for our ranch. Cattle are moved with horses & worked in a quite corral environment with the use of a chute to prevent injury.

Cattle and horse health and wel- fare programs were developed by Dr. Art Spencer, Scott Valley Animal Clinic.

Dr. Spencer performs all of our testing and monitors our health management program quarterly.

We are a low impact ranch utilizing regular soil testing by our county extension agent to determine nutrient needs of the plants.

Central Pivot

KK Ranch has the environment in mind. Soil moisture meters are used throughout irrigation season to ensure that water is uti-lized efficiently. Appreciation of water is via flood, wheel line and center pivot, dependant upon best management practices.

Scott River North
Scott River South
Riparian restoration, tail water recovery and pasture rotation has enhanced habitat for fish and wildlife.

provides prime habitat for spawning and rearing chinook and coho salmon, summer feed for black tail deer and winter feed for elk.

Fish friendly diversions have been designed with fish screens in place to protect salmonids.

Fish Diversions