The Harper · Howell Gallery:
      A Regional Presence








The Harper·Howell Gallery opened in October 2006 on the site previously occupied by Langford Gallery and Gifts, adjacent to the Museum of Art on "G" street in Grants Pass, Oregon. Although it operated on a "hybrid" co-operative model, presenting some artists on a consignment basis and renting display space to others, The Harper·Howell Gallery was privately owned and featured only juried artists who met standards set by the panel of owners. Most of the artists were from the local region of Southern Oregon/Northern California. While many were experienced professionals and award winners and others beginning promising careers, all were eager and committed artists whose work could stand on it's own in any venue. We were proud to have them in ours.

From October 2006 to September 2008, The Harper·Howell Gallery continued to show traditional styled art of the highest caliber and brought to the Grants Pass gallery scene fine examples of contemporary art in a variety of media. In addition to presenting over 30 outstanding artists on an ongoing basis, the Harper·Howell Gallery each month presented an exhibit featuring one or more artists by theme or media. Some monthly exhibits featured resident artists while others presented outstanding guest artists not previously associated the Gallery. We think this combination made the Harper-Howell Gallery the most eclectic and possibly the best gallery in Southern Oregon in it's time.

Sadly, it's time has passed, but the artists still produce. We urge you to seek them out and buy their art. Our Gallery may be closed, but art still lives in Grants Pass.