The Marble Rim Gallery is cooperatively organized to promote, support and encourage artists. The Marble Rim Gallery, is located at 11835 Main Street, in downtown Fort Jones, where members’ products are displayed and sold. Among the items displayed are artists’ originals in almost every medium — including: paintings, prints and photographs (framed and unframed); note cards; pottery;ceramics; hand painted saws; vintage and beaded jewelry; metal sculptures and decorative objects;ornaments; turned wooden vessels and pine needle bowls; painted gourds; handmade soaps, scrubs,candles and other luxurious items of indulgence.
The organization was created by a diverse quintet of artists and crafters in 1991. They joined together out of frustration because artshows were being produced by non-artisans, and they found that they and many other talented local artists had no place to display and show their artistic creations. Since 1991, the Gallery has remained open to the public, giving its members a chance to fulfill their dreams of displaying and selling the products of their artistic endeavors.
Sharing similar missions and common artistic goals made a formal affiliation agreement between the Scott Valley Theatre Company, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, and the Marble Rim Gallery, a community artists’ cooperative, a perfectly logical choice. Members of the Scott Valley Theatre Company and the Marble Rim Gallery will now work together as “partners in the arts”, to encourage and promote performing and visual arts in Scott Valley. By virtue of this formal affiliation, the Marble Rim Gallery will operate under the non-profit umbrella of the Scott Valley Theatre Company.
The formal affiliation between the Scott Valley Theatre Group and the Marble Rim Gallery will be beneficial to local performing and visual artists alike because of their parallel goals. The Marble Rim Gallery (“Gallery”) artists’ cooperative grew out of the Scott Valley Creative Arts Guild, which was established in April of 1991. Similar to the SVTC, the mission of the members of the Marble Rim Gallery is to promote awareness, appreciation, and a passion in our community for all types of artistic endeavors by providing a gallery and other public events for local artists to exhibit and sell their artistic creations. The gallery is located at 11835 Main Street in Fort Jones. It is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. [Insert website info] The Marble Rim Gallery is also a place for teachers to share their skills, and a center for artists to conduct classes and workshops in drawing, water color painting, pine needles basketry, and gourd art.
The Gallery currently has twelve members in its cooperative group. The members work together to sponsor annual and monthly artistic events. Gallery-sponsored events include the Scott Valley Artisans’ Street Fair in May, the Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair in December, and monthly First Friday Open House receptions which feature art by local high school students and other artists, music by local musicians, and poetry readings. These events encourage artistic diversification and the cultivation of new and upcoming local artists. Gallery members also assist in a number of community service organizations through sponsorship and/or through artistic donations for fundraisers by groups such as Madrone Hospice, Fort Jones Rotary, local libraries, FFA, Cattlewomen, and the Farm Bureau.
As a result of its formal affiliation with the Scott Valley Theatre Group, members of the Marble Rim Gallery will actively promote and assist with the production of events at the Avery Memorial Theatre with the goal of encouraging even more community involvement with both performing and visual artistic endeavors in Scott Valley.