Scott Valley Genealogical Group

Located in Etna, CA

A word about copyrighting. What you see here is my research. I did the work, and it is copyrighted by me. That means that you can print it out to review for your personal study, but you may not republish it in any fashion, including electronically. If you are preparing to publish a work and would like to cite something that you find on this site, you must obtain permission from me first if what you are using is not within the guidelines of fair use. You can contact me via e-mail.

Whether or not you publish your work, if you use information that you find here, and you do not research it in the original sources yourself, you must document this web site as your source. If you use information that you find on this web site and cite my sources as your sources, you are committing plagiarism.

To avoid this commiting plagiarism, cite this web site as your source for each specific piece of information that you use from here in the following manner:

This site may be linked to but not duplicated in any way without my consent.

Violations of this copyright will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.

For more information on copyrights and fair use, see Cyndi's List - Copyright Issues.

webmaster Peggy Whipple

Copyright © 2000 Peggy Nadine Whipple All Rights Reserved

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